Taking collective action

The findings within this Vital Signs® 2022 report show us how our community is doing through a lens of wellbeing. While some of the information may create a sense of despair, there is much to be proud of and inspired by in the city we call home. Manitobans remain the most generous people in the country. It’s our collective generosity and care for community that will see us through the challenges we face after an exceedingly difficult past two years.
While the key findings in Vital Signs® 2022 are not new challenges, they are challenges that have been exacerbated by the pandemic. My hope is you will read the report with interest and be inspired to act. It will be our combined actions that will bring us back together, help our city get ‘back on its feet’, and get us on track to building a vibrant community.
Vital Signs® 2022 will help guide The Foundation’s decisions as we launch our new Strategic Plan in 2023. It is a time of change, realignment and dreaming big for our city. Our path must be one that continues down the road of truth and reconciliation, in collaboration with Indigenous communities.
As Winnipeggers, our empathy and compassion for fellow citizens is a defining trait, and one that we hold dear.
My hope is that you find Vital Signs® 2022 informative, inspiring, and inclusive. This yearlong project is designed to impart a better understanding of our community’s many attributes and current challenges. I know we can help ensure ‘a Winnipeg where community life flourishes for all’.